Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Date Mindset and Self Confidence

Self discovery and self confidence go hand in hand.  They are the pieces to the puzzle that allow us to believe in what we are doing is right.  

Going on a date is fun, exciting and downright nerve racking but if you are confident in your appearance and approach it makes you calm in the moment.  The first step to date night is the offer to share time with a person you are interested in getting know.  The rules are simple and based on the date number.  In this post I will reveal the First Date rules.  

Rule One: Punctuality Be on time and enthusiastic but also calm

Rule Two:  Style is as important as choice of setting; use your style specific to environment 

Rule Three:  Confident Chatter: have a plan of what you intend to talk about whether it be family, values or twitter

Rule Four:  Setting the Tone:  the location and ambiance is the tone setter, make a conscious effort to chose a location that creates a sense of well being for both you and your date. 

Rule Five: Timing:  first dates of importance should end as a cliffhanger and set you up for date number two therefore, have a end in sight (not your apartment).  

Now that you have the first date rules you can start to run the mind race of deciding on where, who, when and most importantly set goals.  Ask yourself what you truly want out of this first date and when you close the door on date number one you will be ready to move on to date two.  Use your goals to insure self confidence and self discovery.  

Relax, Have Fun, Drink, Eat, Walk, Talk.  



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