Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NYC Strolls. I completely adore

Walking is the single best way to enjoy this island of infatuation, we never tire of her constant change from street to street and avenue to avenue.  Manhattan shines everywhere as does Brooklyn, the boogie down and okay, okay Queens.  I prefer to start downtown (always) so let's start in the fidi and head north from there.  

The financial district is near and dear to my heart and the seaport is my best friend who always yields a warm welcome.   When I go to the fidi, I prefer to start at the seaport and work from there.  The hidden gem of the seaport restaurant scene is a small Italian restaurant that's phenomenal.  Aqua is tucked on a peddle bricked street and hidden but if you crave a world class treat, this is it.  During the summer months it's fun to walk the seaport, duck into shops, tinker with toys, eat softies and drink beer.  When you walk the seaport you will enjoy what I call frontier freedom, the feeling that you have went back in time.  The Paris Cafe is still alive however, the blue eyed baby that was Carmine's Italian Seafood is closed.  Sad. 

The bikers can be annoying but the old fish markets and art sales will make up for it as this one of a kind scent is a pheromone sure to make you tingle.  After a short walk about at the seaport head to Stone street to peak at the old joints of a district built on business and relationships.

Stone Street (daytime) is all about the let loose approach, Ulysses' for a Bloody Mary and oysters followed by a car wreck bottomless brunch at Harry's.  Beer pong with Irish lads or tip cup with blonde bombers.  Tourist are lurking about, linked with real Newyorkers getting their fill.  If the weather is nice, you're in for some fun.  

Stone Street (Nighttime).  Wow what a difference the sunset makes.  Now you have the blue hairs, blue bloods, cocky coscksmen, dresses flowing and heels clapping.  The night life in the fidi is painful, really though.  Dinner scene isn't exclusive to stone street but cocktails are for sure; in my opinion.  The dudes at Vintrey are solid and the dead rabbit is classic brown whiskey drank made with love.  

This post is meant to be read as a series of strolls about our Burroughs that are sure to make your mind wander and heart race.  I love this city with all that I am and whom I want to become.  Walking is the best transit we have here, no doubt.   



Sunday, October 27, 2013

Booze Brunch Bafoons

Sunday bottomless brunch is the idea that always seems to be the best but isn't.  We meet friends with an unorganized plan of destruction.  We pair our eggs Benny with sugar filled mimosas or spicy short poured bloody Mary's.  The act is fun and booze filled with little or no regret.  This isn't a date option but a way of life here in manhattan.  Brunch however, can be a date setting if we make the choice to set a plan to meet around 1 or 2 for a classic meal with a hint of romance and snuggly appeal.  

My favorite brunch date spot is the place that exudes warmth.  The first stop on this journey is the flower shop to show our bew that our intentions are grown up.  We walk a bit upon meeting to window shop at the stores on 5th avenue until the mood has become relaxed and the sense of well being is perfected.  

My favorite brunch haute on the island of misfits is at the four seasons restaurant in the pool room.  It's a historic establishment where the power lunch runs rampant Monday thru Friday.  Julian Nicolini is the face of this restaurant and his charm is so refined even JFK jr. was intimidated.  You walk up the stairs and are greeted by a room that is overwhelming with character and elegance.  Make your reservation in advance and request a table in the pool room.   Your date will pant like a puppy when you arrive at your table for they have only wondered about this place.  You have blown them away with your posture and decision making.  Sit up and order, take the menu and have fun.  Make the decision for both of you and share plates as you are the boss. 

Remember, the cardinal rule of this date is to be a grown up and shower the room with smiles and giddy laughter.  When brunch is over, you will both be hot and ready to bump ugly's but be strong, its time to move on.  Walk a bit and tighten closure as you are where you need to be with this one.  You've impressed and made the impact.  Don't be a tewl and chase your date home as you have done good.  Take a nap and be proud of yourself, your breath was on point, the spot was dope, you maintained your posture, you brought flau flau's.  Yay yew.  



Friday, October 25, 2013

Dinner and a movie is for Lame-O's

Dinner and a movie sounds so lame.  I would rather be spoon fed arsnec than go on this date.  Save your coins for laundry and beat it.  I talk to a inordinate amount of people on a given day and it always makes me gag and shun when someone tells me of this genius idea to do "dinner and a movie".  If you aren't using a cane to hobble and limp around this great city, it's a bad idea.  Unless you were born before the '57 Chevy Bel Air or It's not a date.  Don't call it one.  

Dinner and a broadway show.  Not cool either, unless ma and pa are in town and it's a double date with the reason being that pa will get some rest during the closing act.  He's Ty Ty from all the walking and gawking.  So now that we are clear about this, it's time to explain why it's so boring and stupid.  

First of all, originality is plagued in an era of copy dogs.  My generation and the generations that are growing up now are all vintage and shit.  Like.  You should have a passion and enthusiasm to be original.  Dating in NYC is more daunting than those hedge fund guru's mathematic equations that entise us all.  The stats on this island make it so brutal, whether you are gay or straight, fit or fat, blonde or brunette....  You're fucked.  This island is a real life tv show built for bravo.  

Instant gratification is the name of the game.  You have to sparkle or be out shined by the competitors who eat all the right food, hit the gym and have pretty blue eyes.  When our parents and grandparents were a mirror image of us, they didn't have to deal with the pressures we face everyday in the dating world that is NYC.  Be original.  



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

From Miles Davis to Jay-Z to Frank

Music plays an important role in our lives, the lyrics we listen to motivate and captivate us as we sing along.  The music I listen to is not impressive and though my memory is sharp.  I mumble lyrics, can't carry a tune or bust a move on the dance floor either.  Awful rhythm isn't attractive or cute and mine is the worst I've encountered.  It doesn't stop me from trying or laughing it off with swagger.     

Getting ready for a date makes music even more important, the shau shau is ran to the tune of The Smiths or old school hip hop.  I've heard these songs a trillion times and my memory wanders deep into thought, so deep one might forget conditioner or to shave those pesky neck hairs.  Damn it.    

After we are squeaky clean, now is the time we all fear and love the most at the same time.  Pick the outfit, fight with our hair, brush after brush until we are perfect.  We admire our beauty and talk to ourself while muttering our chosen beat.  Sometimes, I play the same song on repeat and think to myself about the night ahead.  Running around our tiny and overpriced apartments here in never grow up land, we search for shoes and the only clean pair of socks that we know are hidden deep in this fucking drawer. 

Once we are dressed for the pounce and kill its time to turn off iTunes and head out.  The music we decided upon has structured our mood for the evening ahead.  Whether it's classics of yesteryear or the newest Justin Timberlake.  The time has come to smile and hail a cab.  I've never felt better....



The NY Post is HOT


The New York Post is much more than a newspaper, it captures and defines NY and the New Yorker in all of us.  I don't like reading the web or mobile version, it's just not the same.  The smell of your ink saturated paper, the box scores, weird but true and Page Six are better in print.  I like holding you as a prop on the train, walking the streets with you tucked under my arm feels so right.  

The Post has never broke my heart or failed to kiss me, it's never ran late or had a headache when I'm horny.  You my dear newspaper are always on time and funny.  I love yew.    

I prefer to purchase you at Eastern Market on Grand Street between Orchard and Ludlow as to anywhere else.  You smell better on the Lower East side and you complete me as I walk to Cup and Saucer for eggs, bacon and coffee to kill another hangover.  You keep me up to date on the city I adore the most with a humor induced style and risky images that are one of a kind.  

I have left you for short periods of time thinking that the golden coast was the place for me.  It's not, those Cali clowns can have their foreign cars, flat billed hats, surfboards, skateboards and pretend they aren't desperate to live here. 

I haven't found anyone who is more honest and poignant than you and I remember the days when you cost far less.  But it doesn't matter how much Rupert wants to rape me... You are worth all my coins.  



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Be a Prince or Princess on Prince St.

The Steak Au Poivre is my dish of delight.  

It's cold outside and you want to take your date somewhere warm and cozy with a New York feel that is unmatched.   On Prince street you are in the heart of SoHo and this famed restaurant is a royal palace that won't disappoint.  

Raoul's is as New York as it gets, the spiral staircase, the psychic fortune teller, the bar and the people are all breathtaking.  But my favorite part is the garden seating where you and your date will walk through the loud busy kitchen to discover your romantic table for two.  At this joint you can sip cocktails made with pride and eat food that fits any mood.  The wine list is sufficient and welcoming without pretentious approach.  This dining experience is sure to please even the pickiest eater.  

It's the kind of place where love birds kiss and snuggle in romantic gangster booths.  Mothers and Fathers join there New York child for dinner during their visit from middle America.  "Honey I just love it here, little Johnny knows all the spots" dad says with a grin.  

Your date will grin too, thinking that his or her date is a stud and knows all the spots.  What makes Raoul's such a gem is not the food or the ambiance or the service.  It's the energy, baby.  You have walked into a setting so ruff and rugged; yet as shiny as Don Drapers shoes.  When this dining experience has ended the legs of the fantasy island that is manhattan are at your feet.  You can take this night anywhere you want from a stroll up to Pegu Club or head due west for after dinner drinks at Little Branch.  



Monday, October 21, 2013

My dearest friend: Rye Whiskey

Dear Rye Whiskey and Bitters,

You are the one for me; you calm my nerves and allow me to think clearly even if I have made poor decisions under your tutelage.  I accept and take full responsibility for my actions.  You are and will always be my cocktail of choice.  Your name is synonymous with my city Manhattan.  I drink you stirred straight up and you have never let me down.  

Dates mostly surround themself with booze and when we choose our goto drink it's a tone setter of its own accord.  I find myself catching people not knowing who they are or what they want because the decision making process is complicated.  Don't be corrupted and confused, find your niche; belly up with head held high and shoulders back.  I often reference a date experience where I met a girl at a dope bar, she ordered espresso martini to set the tone.  Piss poor decision on her part as we finished our cocktails and I paid the check.  I preceded to hail her a taxi and tell her to lose my number.  I was shocked and appalled at her choice, it immediately put my mind at ease as I didn't have to waste anymore time with this clam.  

My all time favorite cocktail bar in Manhattan was formerly known as Milk and Honey.  It was a Sasha Petraske brain child and he nailed it.  I spent countless nights at his bar feeling like Mick or David Bowie were bound to walk in at any moment.  The rules of his lair were the finest that I had encountered.  Reservations and Membership were a staple, no phones, no hats, no noise and surely no approaching someone in a manner of hopeful hookup.  

The good news for you is the space can still be visited in a different way but just as perfect.  Sam Ross and Michael McIlroy are very close friends of mine and I adore their skill set.  They worked closely with Sasha as bar tenders at Milk for 8 years and when Milk moved up town they took over.  Sam and Mick are prophets from lands far away, Sam from Austrailia and Michael from Belfast.  They always take me and my friends to a place of comfort and the experience is second to none.  It's so much better than everywhere else.  

On your next date, start or finish here...  Attaboy is located on Eldridge street just south of Delancey.  Find it and find out why I have called it home since the early 2000's.  

Penicillin and GreenPoints are tasti delights and the brown whiskey selection is beyond ones imagination.  It's the epitome of Manhattan.   Go and find out for yourself and smile in the presence of the coolest dudes I know.  
